Sunday 30 November 2008

I just keep thinking...

I should just write my blog in a manner that everyone should like reading. A way that I used when I was in a game; maplestory, guild called Ohana. I was a newsletter writer. Haha. So yea. Here goes.

Heya people. =) Welcome again to my blog. This should be a new post of the time. Haha. Well, nothing much happened, except me wanting and trying to improve on my brotherhood with Dominic. =) . I guess now it ain't going anywhere yet, but I'm trying ok... Wish us luck =).

Today, I went to Faisal's house. He's the head of SL, last time. Now, retired. Haha. We went there, basically to cook. (For Yong Liang and Adam basically) The rest of us just ordered Pizza from Pizza Hut. Haha. Well, the meal was nice, I suppose. Haha. Pei Jun and I also cooked an omelette. =). It was an onion omelette and it tasted nice. Haha. My first onion omelette. Haha. Usually I would cook a normal one. However, this new one tasted fabulous as well. This gathering was sort of a special one. We are gonna have it again next month, which would probably be new years day. =). Aww, but I do wish we would be able to head to the New Year's Day Party thing to see the fireworks and stuff, just like National Day. Was thinking of bringing my brother there too, but I doubt if he wants to, since his parents wouldn't allow him to do so, and he is busy with his life... National Day this year should be the first and only time we had together... I suppose. Ah well, what can I say. Haha.

Tomorrow I'm heading to Joey's house again. For a swim I guess. Ain't going to Band tomorrow. Haha... The juniors are quite fine on their own anyway and they love being independent. Nothing much for me to do there I suppose. So yea. =) . Hope Eunice could come along. Our fathers are playing golf tomorrow, so it's the kids meeting each other. Haha. Hope she could make it. Will be heading to the library first, as Joey needs to return certain books and needs to borrow some. He likes books. =) Haha. Very interesting. Oh and tomorrow he has piano too. So yea, be going awhile only. Hope I could enjoy myself like today too. Haha. I am lazy, truthfully to write such stuffs, about things I did. Cause I'd rather write about my feelings than events that happened. Unless it's really nice to write about =). Yea... That's just me I guess. Haha. =)...

Well I think there ain't any difference in the way I write things huh... Haha. guess I lost my touch. I think I made up my mind. If I can go to ACJC, I'll just go. My friends? I'll just keep in touch with them =). They mean loads to me. I won't let them go so easily! Haha. =) Ah well. Best Head to sleep. By the way I wanna wish Jia Jie a happy birthday since it became 12am all of a sudden haha. Happy birthday my best buddy =). Hope u enjoy this day. Haha.

Oh well, see u all next time =). Bye

Jotted by Max at 23:34

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Back from Genting Highlands

Heya people. =D I'm back... haha and genting was sometimes fun, not fun, scary, not scary etc. =D. Played their themepark, both outdoor and indoor. I suppose I can't play much either. Truth is, anyone who brings me to theme parks would hate me. Why? I dun play extreme games. Why? cause I'm afraid. That is something I cannot hide. Haha. Hais...

If my bro ever reads this. I just want him to know that no matter what, I still care and love him. That I will never stop looking after him, whether there may be ups and downs. Yea I know I hurt him loads, and we always fight with each other and stuff... But nonetheless, we are brothers. Brothers do fight... I will find my way to stop fighting... I know he is too. I just wish that we won't be against each other no more... I know I have been stubborn at times... I know I have to let go too... Just take everything as my fault... You have no wrong my brother... As I said before... Better me than you... I'm sorry for everything... hate me if u must... I can't say much no more... =)... I just wish we can be as brotherly as before... that's all... I know you are busy and stuff... I won't be expecting much anyway... but, I just wish... wish we could be brothers like last time... even if it's a little bit... I'll be happy, and I know he'll be happier too... Maybe I am wrong, cause he is happy right now... I dunno... As long as the most important thing I want him to know is that I still care, whether we meet or not. Whether we talk or not. Whether we fight or not. That is what I wish to tell him... That's all... =) . I just love my brother for who he is... Whether he changed or not. He is still my brother.

Jotted by Max at 15:52

Thursday 20 November 2008

~Getting along~

Woke up at 9 in the morning today. Got ready to head to Joey's house. I'd reckon I head there since I had nothing to do basically and my friends had no plan in mind. Rather go somewhere than to rot at home! Haha. Carried my Zinc bag along with 3 books in it- Physics, Biology and Chemistry Textbooks! Haha. Decided to give them to Joey. Can't give it to Eunice as she is already Sec 3, and she already has those books. Haha. Eunice was not at Joey's house today though. They never asked her and her brother, Eugene, along. Thought they would haha. Even so, I brought the 3 paper 1s that were for the O levels this year for both her and Joey. Eunice would need it more since O's are for her next year. Joey can wait haha. I have to admit my books were like tattered and torn... However, he didn't mind. So I decided to give it to him, since I have no use for them any longer. Rather do this than do some pollution by burning them away. Haha. Wanna know something I didn't know? I didn't know Yishun was like 25 mins away from Gombak... I reached Gomabak MRT at 1128 am when I was suppose to meet Joey at 1145 at Yishun =/ ... How great is that when I lived in Yishun since young till I was like primary 1? I should be knowing the time taken from Gombak to Yishun since I was an 'Yishunian' or whatever you wanna call that! Practically Yishun changed loads, with North Point changing to some other mall like thing I never knew. Haha. Lucky I arrived earlier than Joey did! Haha. Then again he was silent as usual. A far fetch from the kind of person he was 4 years ago. Nonetheless, trying to bring back the friendship that was like left alone stagnant for 4 years... It sure is great to meet them again though. Boarded the 'Yishun Emerald' Shuttle bus. It was his Condo. I think it was called so, can't really remember. Guess what! It was free! Haha. The shuttle bus I took from Colin's house to Westmall need money =/ Haha. Truthfully I know nothing about shuttle buses. Then again, on the bus I spoke to Joey. Asked him about his life. Reading storybooks is what he does. He has golf for CCA, and his mother fetches him to school and back home as well. However, he prefers going home alone. Certain people have certain preferences to me. We as teenagers are 'choosey' somehow or another. Haha. There are many things that are different between me and him, in terms of the way and style of living. Nonetheless it doesn't spoil how he is as a person, which is a good thing!

When we reached his condo, we went straight to his house. There Sarah and Tommy was. Sarah was playing the piano, Allegretto. The same piece that my cousin was playing for exams. Haha. I recognise the music. Haha. Tommy was on the couch. I think. Haha. Their mother was vacuuming the floor. Then there was silence! Haha. Totally. I stood by the window. Joey sat near the dining table, Tommy sat on the couch still and Sarah was by the piano. No one spoke. Haha. Funny. We went down for Table Tennis after which cause their mother asked us to. So yea. Tommy could be a good Table Tennis player in my opinion. He was good. If I were at his age of p5, I guess I would have lost to him =/. Basically though, our dads are kinda the same. His dad teaches them how to playing certain sports. So does mine. Both our dads are golf enthusiast. Haha. I'm not much of it, cause probably I don't learn it from young. However, I guess I have to learn it somehow to be with my dad. I think I should learn to get along with him through golf. Probably I'll ask Joey to coach me! Haha. Not forgetting, both our dads are also soccer enthusiast =/. It's great Joey knows how to follow his dad a little. I just am probably different... I don't enjoy watching soccer much and golf, well I dunno. Ah well, I should just try right? We must do it! Haha.

After Table Tennis, we headed back up to eat lunch. I ate spaghetti made by Joey's mother, and it was nice! Haha. When we were up, Joey had already finish cause he headed up first as he needed the toilet or something. Haha. I went up with Tommy and Sarah. Joey played Fifa 2009 on the Xbox 360 console. Sadly I only am into it with playstation's version. Haha. Not really used to Xbox. I was borned with Playstation's, well, mindset kinda thing. Haha. When Joey played it finish, I played with Sarah a racing game. I suck at it cause I didn't know how to drift... What do you expect? First timer! Haha. But Surprisingly I won... Haha. After the whole Xbox thingy, We headed down to play Tennis. Seemed that none of them knew how to play except me. However, Joey was able to hit properly and stuff even if he didn't know. I couldn't do that when I was younger! Haha, I suck. Haha. Nonetheless, the game of tennis was practically silent and play anyhow. Haha. After it, headed back up and I changed my clothes since there was no other activities to be doing. Then Joey's dad came back home. His dad was with my dad in the morning haha. So coincidental. The Dads and Sons meeting up =/ haha. Whatever. So yea, we went for dinner. Had Roti Prata! 1 plain and 1 egg haha. I didn't know what to call and I always said anything so practically ate the same thing as Joey did =/ haha. Ever since young, when I was with their family, Joey and I were always together having fun and stuff. That's why we became close, then. Now it's like we never met at all! Haha. Even our parents knew that we were like close friends and stuff. That explains why most things I do has something to do with Joey when I am with their family last time and now for that matter. Now, my sis and bro are close to Sarah. Haha. What a cycle, or whatever you wanna call it haha. Well, after which I headed into their family car and told a joke. Credits to Dominic for that joke. They laughed loads on the 'repeat, paul, tom. Who will win first' joke. They also laughed what I said ' I know you gonna say what' Haha. Then again I had to leave, so Joey's dad dropped me by the Sembawang MRT station and I was on my way back home! Haha. Overall it was a day off, and I kinda enjoyed it. However till now I find the barrier of ice between them and I has yet to be broken. Especially mine and Joey's. Haha. After four years =/ what do you expect... Don't expect me and him to play catching or hide and seek like 4 years ago! Haha. Oh well, Probably going out with them again tomorrow. Hope so too! Haha.

There is gonna be a Family Day thingy on tuesday... But that's when I've just arrived home from Genting! AHHH I wanna go, and I hope I can! Haha. Having fun with them beats staying at home! Haha. If I go, I dunno what I'll be doing there... Haha. Probably just talk or so =/... maybe I should teach them to play bridge or something! HAHA. Well that's about today. I'll see to it that I'll post tomorrow if I am going with them out again! Haha. See ya!

Jotted by Max at 22:40

Tuesday 18 November 2008

A Day With Friends I've long not met for 4 years...

Well, I know lots have passed, but I have to slowly stat every single event that happened to me! So, while my mind is still fresh, I shall start off with what happened today!

I didn't expect myself to head to sentosa with my dad any siblings... nor did I expect meeting Joey and gang after a long time.(Different Joey. HE is my friend and so called bro you could say. But after not meeting for a long time... well, forgotten loads.). I met them through my dad. Dad's friend's children you could say. Really unexpecting to meet them again after 4 years! Thanks to my dad having to change to MINDEF (ministry of defence) from Murai Camp... I lost contact with them... Guess it sure is fate meeting them again. Guess what? They all grew, me too! Joey especially was about my height. I believe he is taller too! Haha... I'm short and I know that... I believe Joey will still continue growing. Who knows how much taller he would get now that he is already taller than me! Practically, Joey is now Sec 1, while Eunice is Sec 3 (Triple Sci and Double Maths too!) while the rest are primary school students. Nonetheless it was totally different when I met them in P6... Joey was P3, while Eunice was P5 and the rest were barely in their primary school years. Time sure flies. It's great to meet them again. Now though we don't really talk much often cause we are teens. There ain't much to do anyway, unlike last time where we played what... Catching? Hide and Seek? Etc... Now most of it is more silence than ever haha. Guess we need more time to catch up on stuffs.

Went to the Tanjong Beach at about 9am. Met with Eunice's family first. Followed by Joey's family. You could say I was happy to see them, but it seems like they forgotten many things, like me when I was P6.(Our parents said we played together when young like a few years old, but I forgot... So now it's their turn! Haha) So yea, we headed to the beach and we tried to talk much, but it was considered little. Teenagers don't talk a lot. You have to understand that. Haha. Played with the sand... And followed by walking to take lunch boxes with Joey, His Dad and Eunice's Dad. Then followed by a little game of volleyball and soccer. We headed to those places where little kids jumped in. Those blown up castles where you can bounce on? Yea. Joey, Eunice and I headed into the castle, with Sarah (Joey's sis) and my sis. We jumped, and they fell. We jumped and they fell. Once, we jumped till that the castle practically toppled over... Haha... violent... Then, we went off to get a drink. Joey asked Eunice and I whether we wanted a race from one point to where we sat at near the beach. I counted and we were off. It was tiring yet kinda fun I suppose. I don't know who was first and I could not really bother haha. All I know was that I ran, and suddenly Joey caught up with me, but then when we reached the place, I didn't know where to end so oh well haha. Guess Joey won. As long I had fun, nonetheless who wins. We continued playing with sand and headed into the sea. Then, when about 3+, we showered and I followed Eunice's and Joey's family to watch Madagascar 2 at VivoCity.

I took Joey's family car there and we parked in the multi-storey carpark. We headed to the tickets station to order our 510pm tickets and headed off to Timezone... For like practically no big reason. Haha, cause we didn't play or do anything except looking at others play. Followed by that, we headed to the rofttop garden or some sort and there washed my leg off the sand! After so, we headed for the movie where I bought Nachos cause Joey wanted both nachos and popcorn. However I ate most of it! Haha. Never tried it before though, but it was ok I suppose. Then Watched the show. Guess I'm old or something but I just found the show ok, not very interesting... Then, we headed for dinner after the show. Ate Mee Hun Kway, cause I was very cold at that time since my legs were frozen by the cold air and water used to wash my leg earlier. Practically Joey, Sarah and Tommy(Joey's Brother) ate Mee Hun Kway too. After which, we headed to Earle's Swensens to eat Ice Cream. There, was more jokes and laughter I suppose. Haha. After so, went back home cause it was about 9+ pm... Joey's family fetched me home and I appreciate it loads. And then, it was over. Here I am now typing and seeing the difference in the photos taken today with them, and 4 years ago. Let me tell you, it's hell load of a diff! I have pictures, but I couldn't find my USB plug so I can't really show (Aww...) I'll find it though. Hope to go to Joey's house real soon, to catch up with what happened lately. Just like me and Venus did. Well, I suppose this year is like 'the meet up of long lost friends' year. Haha Good night! I'll post on St John's Island and Grad Lunch soon! Stay tuned!

Jotted by Max at 22:56

Saturday 8 November 2008

3 more papers to go =D

YAY and O levels is ending real soon =). And I really hope I could do well, nonetheless. Tried my best. =) These fews days nothing much really. Went out with Edwin, Gabriel and Jing Wei just yesterday in the morning =) . We went to eat breakfast at Yew Tee Mac but when Gab arrived it was already lunch =/ . So he had lunch while I and Edwin had breakfast. HAHA . We went to Lot 1 to have Gab's EZ link card made cause his was spoilt some how. Then met Jing Wei at Yew Tee. So basically we went from yew tee to cck and back again =/ lol. Halfway through went to Gab's house, but can't cause the mother don't allow =/ so went home. haha. And played Maple till the night with Gab and Edwin =/.

Then the day before yesterday, headed down to Bugis to get stuff for graduation =/. it's coming real soon! ON 17/11/08! AHHH! I bought a tie which costs $10 -.- while Hong Hui got one which is only $8... should have bargained haha. Hong Hui, Jia Jie and Jackson got coats for themselves and I have to agree it looks nice on them =D. Colin and I decided on ties though =D. We don't know about Jian Ming and Shun Li =/ but I think they are wearing coats as well. I am borrowing a vest from Jian Ming XD hope it's good though =/ heh. We realised that Bugis had a shop for adults if you get what I mean =x. It's in the middle of the Street itself -.- ... And Jian Ming and Shun Li wanted to go in Haha. But never, obviously... Haha We were 7 years short =/ Haha. Played LAN with Jackson and Shun Li. But the LAN wasn't really at all great haha. While Colin, Jia Jia, Hong Hui and Jian Ming went to buy more stuff. There was even a cool anime shirt they bought. It was nice. I would buy if I went haha. But then again we played off with a little arcade before going to food junction. I ate sweet and sour pork rice while the majority ate pepper lunch =/ me and Jian Ming were the odd ones haha. Jian Ming ate some western stuff =/ but didn't really finished it cause the meat sucked haha =D. Then off we went home... At about 7++ pm. What a day it was. Oh did I mention whn wlaking halfway I met Tasya and Jeremy Tan? Haha so interesting. They were heading to buy their stuff too =D. Tasya said she bought a semi-dress, gonna see how it looks like on grad lunch! Haha Hope to take some pics for that day =) then I'll post them up here.

Continue on Sec3 and 4:

Sec 3:
Started off the year heading to Sec 3E1. Sat with Julia, Shi Yin, Jude Koh, Jonathan, Yong Liang and Tasya at the front. Haha. but then seats were changed and we all changed places -.-... sad haha. Miss Tang was our form teacher and biology teacher and I was appointed the Bio Rep... haha. However, I was punished by Miss tang the following day cause I didn't bring my bio txtbook =/ But I always get scolded the start of years and I know about it. Haha. Some kind of Taboo or something... Life was fun when Sec 3 camp came =D and the class was awarded the most bonded class. I became a councillor thanks to YL, JT and Tash. And yea, a late groomer =/ haha. Nonetheless Miss Tang was our form teacher for this year only, and no more =/ . She left for another school -.- the next year... Met some new dudes from 3E2, namely Ching Kiat, Shun Li, Jian Ming, Shawn etc.. Lol. They are now very close friends with Jackson and us all LOL! And they are so... -.- dirty minded lol. Influenced most of us somehow =/ Haha. Went to Port Dickson too =D at end of the year. The Band Camp sure was fun =D and enriching in some way. =D SYF also was this year.. school got a bronze =/ met Sabreena and Hakim. BEST JUNIORS! HAHA cause they got perc background =D.

Sec 4:
Started off with TONS OF WORK! Haha. No longer fun -.-... juniors for band started joining and stuff. But we are so into exams... so yea. Basically that's about the year... exams..mock... etc... Met my juniors nearing the Speech Day. Namely Dominic, Jocelyn, Chloe, Aline, Ying Suean. Dominic and Jocelyn have potential, nonetheless they got a long way to go =D so do Aline and Ying Suean, good luck! Dominic became my bro and is still my bro whether there is any problems or not =/. Though problems are a bore and stuff like that, I realy hope we would learn from it =D. And beat the problems down. Things may sound simple but problems are amounting =D. But I'm gonna beat them down. With him or not =). I can't make problems kill both of us. So yea. Close to Dominic at the start, but slowly no longer... Sad huh. But oh well. He has his life I have mine. Now he has Rock avenue and stuff, =) I don't really see him much anymore nor talk to him haha. So yea... Oh yea, went to National Day like last year! Then we get to see loads of things and stuff. =). Fun indeed. Haha. Hope can go National Day next year. Oh had SL Camp in March. I became an SL o.o Lol. Met Gabriel there and Edwin too. Got to know Edwin better ;D. Now I know Gab better too. Haha. Interesting to know that the year aint ending yet. =) But I had fun with Tasya and gang, Colin and gang, Dominic and gang, My Class and many others I went with. They made me see life in a different light =) and I love them all. Whether there had been quarrels and stuff, we learn from them and change =) I am trying to. Hope everyone is too =). Foreseeing the future, gonna have Grad Lunch, Heading to Genting, Japan, Band with percs to train them, going out play play play haha. exams next week then WEE! Lol. Then problems are bound to happen but I'm gonna solve them! MUAHAHA. XD Then Next year get results =/ then go new school, and start a new life again =D. Life is so interesting Lol. Oh well =D Gotta go bye bye =D.

Jotted by Max at 14:32

Saturday 1 November 2008

O'dies Official Forum! XD still in the midst of making though...


Welcome to Leon's blog 1/11/08 (:
It's November! The month that O Levels End! I am so happy. *Snivel snivel* Yea hope it ends fast. I am so waiting for happiness and fun! Yea. I created a forum for the O'dies and friends of the O'dies (: feel free to go there and talk it out! Haha (: Though it is just started but I'll make it better and better and better and etc... Lol (: So yea... yea... yea...

TODAY! I went to Yew Tee mac and met Edwin and Yong En to study SS together (: . Officially read through Sec 3 textbook. Left with Sec 4... I ain't going to study on Healthcare and Venice. Why? Cause I dun care about healthcare, and I never really understood Venice... o.o ... So yea yea. Then we went to Edwin's house. It's small, yet cozy (: Love it there. Tried out his guitar, but realised I forgot how to play since 3 years ago my aunt taught me that :/ ... Yea. Now I am back at home, and I'm going to continue doing things on the forum... Come and support ok? Haha (:

This is the webby:

click it and sign up! Talk and post topics or talk in a certain topic on O'DaDa's Table and do many more stuff. It is quite limited now. However, you guys must be patient for more stuff (: . See ya!

Jotted by Max at 19:16


BIOLOGY OFFICIALLY ROX MY LIFE! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Wha perfect 'haha'. I wrote that in 1.5 seconds. So proud of myself (: hahahahaha. Ok whatever... So yea. Biology is like so much better than Physics... FOR THE FIRST TIME. Must go thank Miss Wang and give her a hug! (err... maybe not the hug part...) Ok now I shall say what I did today (: . ( Considered yesterday at the time of writing...)

I went to school.

Great huh! Yea I agree (: . I love going to school (: (Yea right...) Where I see my lovely friends (yea a little) and my lovely teachers (never saw a single except Mdm Lee XD). (:
I was with the O'dies - Edwin in band. (if you are wondering what is '-' it just means minus. Go take out your nusery textbook or something!) Haha (: . THE PERCS ARE SO... SO... SO... fine to me (: . They just need more time to practise and stuff haha. After band, met with Edwin and Gabriel and went to buy bubble tea. The little juniors had Rock Avenue Meeting while I had... Biology... (Jocelyn loves to cut frogs :D, but sad there ain't no frog cutting...) Yea so I left for biology and I realise I became lamer... (Thanks to the juniors! Hmph! Lol) I laughed at little things and created lame things and o.o ... Haha. But oh well, that is a changed me I guess! Yuppy Yuppy. Let one more SS paper on Monday. Thus, I have to DONG! (Dong means to err... err... I can't really remember... but yea it means to withstand (: ) LOL .

After SS, I can fly T_T so happy. Lol... Cause the rest are basically MCQs... so for every question, you could like have 25% chance of getting i correct! Yay! Lol. Many people use the calculator's inputed dice, and it proved to be very useful. Lol.

Went to De La Salle Primary today with Dominic and his god sis Jia Min (: . She is one person that you can really talk to very well with o.o . Haha. It's good to know her. Haha. Settled some problems there and Wa La. Went for dinner with little bro and went home. I was so tired I slept (: . Till little bro woke me up o.o then now i'm awake! HAHAHA. If not i would have been a pig and slept all the way through... ZzZzZz

Weeeeell. Now I'm gonna leave this blog but DUN GO AWAY! Yea lol. Come back next time to find the next hidden mickey on DISNEY CHANNEL! haha. Oh there actually are hidden mickeys in this post lol. I see 3 o.o that is like a hidden mickey! HAHAHA. Ok that's four now... Lol. Ok ok I'll shut up. Bye Lol XD

Jotted by Max at 00:29

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