Wednesday 29 October 2008

Life sucks (: Really

Well, now officially not bros with dominic (: . It's time for a new life on my own. He can enjoy his so happily, so why can't I. It sure is stupid though... Hais whatever... Today is gonna be the day for physics P2, and I dun care I am gonna get an A1 ! Muahaha! Yea right (: . Today went out to eat with Jia Jia, cause historians were having their paper today. (: Sadly, Jia Jie was forced to stay at westmall there for half an hour... because none of the rest of the historians were coming. Sad... Now we know historians are all pang sei people LOL! Haha (: joking. Anyway, yea so ate with him, and Ching Kiat came. Hong Hui left for school, while Jian Ming should have too. Didn't go to Dominic's house cause I wasn't invited. He said there were too many people, so I couldn't come (: ... (Lies...) but oh well, he has done much damage on me, and I guess it's best to let him go. So yea, ended it once and for all (: . Now, I know what to do when such things happen again. I would never let someone else hurt me ever like that (: . Well, nothing much to write. I just dun feel right... Extremely angry now... that's all. bye...

Jotted by Max at 01:25

Sunday 26 October 2008

In the midst of the Os

Well, now is one of the few rests we have! So now, since I do not feel like playing audition, so let's blog! (: Finished with a few papers! And you could say most of them were papers that I placed loads of my effort in! I really hope it turns out good.

Chemistry P.2 : I think I should be able to do well, (: I HOPE it's an A1 !
English P.1 : My best English paper 1 of all! I really knew what I did (: hope this would be an A1!
English P.2 : I dunno... It seems the same as all other paper 2s I have been doing. Haha (: Hope it's good as well.
A Maths P1: THE ONLY PAPER I THINK I COULD SCORE FULL MARKS XD I'm so happy (snivel snivel) (:
Geography: I think I knew what I was doing. Must get an A1 for this or my humanities is considered DOOM!
E Maths P1: 4 marks lost as far as I know. Nonetheless, hope I could get A1 ! E maths P2, is the one i must score in then, to make it possible!
A Maths P2: (: another well done paper. Close to full marks as well, so I should suppose my A Maths is an A1 ! (:

That's about all for the week back. (: I could say I'm a little proud of what I did, I guess... Haha Hope it's well done, to go to any JC I wish to. (: By then, I'll be leaving loads of memories in Hillgrove. Bringing along some others... I guess (: . 4 Years sure past fast. Gosh I dun even know where to beginning...

Sec 1:
I came in to Hillgrove, innocently... alone to school. I remember I arrived at the front gate at 7am. (: It was packed! I looked around for Jackson. (My pri 6 mate, and my close friend now still (: ) Met some people as well, that were from my pri school. Loads happen in this year. I went to class, and settled down. This year I met, my best mates (: . They are Fariz, Hong Hui, Jia Jie, Colin and Jackson! They are my friends for life, I really love having them as friends. They are the best in my opinion. (: I love them loads. The year ended, without much significance, except Fariz left for ACS Barker Road. However, no matter, we still keep contact, though rare (: . It was saddening I have to agree. Nonetheless, it's his choice! We have to let him strive for himself! (: Good Luck for your remaining O levels Fariz!

Sec 2:
Came to school, meeting My friends in the canteen. The Canteen has been our meeting place ever since sec 1, till now. Haha (: . So yea, we went to sit at the parade square, WITHOUT Fariz... how sad indeed. This year, everything was gonna be crazy! Cause it was streaming year for me. And I was the class chairman for my class as well. Thanks to the WHOLE class haha (: . So yea, streaming went quite fine... And practically this year was the only year I got first in class! Haha, for CA2... Yup yup. That's all. Haha (: . So I went to get my streaming results, and I got to get to 3E1, while my friends went to 3E2... I still see them and be with them though. Hah! (:

That's for this post... Till next time then (: I'll continue with the other 2 years, briefly. Bye

Jotted by Max at 20:12

Sunday 19 October 2008

O levels in 1 days time!

Yea I am studying! So ain't writing any on blog for awhile... Today I have decided to place one essay I just did here! The question is:

One day you made a bad mistake which upset other people. Write about how you tried to put things right.

I don't know if it is going to be good or not... I hope it is worth an A1 though! I tried my best to answer the question and create a story based on it. It's a good preparation I suppose. Also, Paper 1 to me is the only section where I should be able to grasp all the marks. At the same time now, I am so excited for tomorrow's examination! I just can't wait. I have prepared for Chemistry a week back. Hope it pays off. I scored 86% in a recent paper I did on my own... I do hope it's better for O levels! Wish me luck :D . I feel the fire burning with anxiety... BURN BURN! Muahahaha! :D

So this is the essay:

I remembered getting ready early last Sunday. It was my birthday and I was too excited to sleep the night before. James, Max and I were going to enjoy a day at my house for a party, and I just could not wait. They arrived an hour later, with presents in their paper bags, making me smile uncontrollably. It was going to be a great day, as having fun with my friends is what makes me exuberant.

We were elated, playing games and chatting alike. I never had so much fun in my life. To top it all, we went for a swim, to cool down after the long day. However, James and Max left me alone during our game of “Water Hide and Seek”, as they were hiding behind a tree, laughing and playing together. I had no idea what they were doing. I felt crestfallen, to realise that they were leaving me out. We were playing “Water Hide and Seek”, not “Hide and Seek” in general. Therefore seeing them out of the pool and being together was a sight I bare not to watch. I felt isolated from what they did.

“Hey! Leon! Look here! We've got a -”

“Go away! I don't wish to see you two again!” I interupted. I was frustated by what they did to me; leaving me out on my birthday. With that, I got out of the pool and got ready to leave for home, wrapping my waist with my white towel. As I turned back, I saw that I had mistakened. James and Max did not play together behind the tree. They were actually planning to surprise me with a birthday cake. I felt embarassed as I scolded them for no reason at all. From where I stood, James and Max were upset, wondering what they wrong did. Immediately, not knowing what I did, I ran towards them. I just knew that I had to apologise to them, for misjudging them.
“I'm sorry! I didn't mean to shout... I thought you two were leaving me out... Please forgive me.” I said. I could not bare look them in the eye after scolding them. To my surpirse they looked at me and grinned. Max nodded, and I knew that I have been forgiven. It felt as if everything had returned back to normal as they brought the cake infront of me.

“Make a wish, my friend.” James smiled. I closed my eyes to do so. Clenching my hands together, I blew, to extinguish the flames on the sixteen candles atop the cake. Max clapped loudly and I laughed heartily. It was a moment I could not forget as not only have I enjoyed myself, I have also learned an important lesson; never to misjudge others till you understood and knew what they did.


Jotted by Max at 16:35

Wednesday 8 October 2008

ACJC's Open House 2008

Woke up at 600am today. Had to follow Dii Dii to school. Yea, we back again... I totally agree with someone. 'Brothers are for life. There's no such thing as not being each other's brother anymore, for it's a pact made. Just my two cents worth.' taken from my bro's tagboard. For the first time, someone makes so much sense :D. After sending him to school, I went for breakfast in Macdonalds ALONE :D. After that, went to school and completed Anderson Paper for biology! :D I'm gonna study real hard soon! I dun care haha. I wanna get 4 points no matter what! Oh oh! Let's not go to that yet haha :D. After waiting for a long time, Physics' Just in time clinical session began! However, we all left... Why? Mr Loh wasn't coming... Aww... my friends didn't want to remain in the school so we all left. I left for home :D. Once it was 1200 noon, I walked to school to follow Dii Dii to westmall where he cut his hair. *CHOP!* Haha :D. I left him there and followed Zoe, Tasya and Julian to ACJC's (Anglo Chinese Junior College) Open House 2008.

Over at Buona Vista's Interchange we waited awhile for Faisal and Shawn. And we started walking to ACJC. It sure was hot then... I dunno why. However, it seems like there is always a dark cloud over Buona Vista... haha or its just my instinct that says so :D. Over at there, we didn't see Sean Lau Jiawei :( . Wondering who he is? He is Tasya's Senior Drum Major and the top O level student of our school! Haha :D Pro eh? I totally agree. Went there, we were taken around ACJC's school compound! It was HUGE! Seriously. The Art Gallery was interesting too! Then we saw the Concert Band, playing 2 songs... Under the sea by the little mermaid and Doraemon's theme song. After which, we went around the area and saw many different aspects of the school, mainly sports and performing arts. The school had a large gym! Interesting... Haha :D. I saw people playing tennis too! Hehe :D. I wonder which CCA to choose from... That is if I get there haha! :D I want to go there! I must work hard to get 4 points! AHHH! :D .

After the whole tour thing we went for lunch in AC's canteen. I went to see my aunt though. She is a teaching staff of ACJC. My uncle also works there. My aunt teachers GP, while my uncle teaches physics :D. So I got a chance to sneak peek into the staff room of ACJC! WHOA! It was huge... but it seemed a little cramped... with all the teachers tables together. It is interesting too that the students have their own personal time-tables :D. How cool is that? Whether or not, I must try to get into the school haha :D Cause it's my dream school! Aww... I can see myself in the school already... I guess haha :D. This is my course type I think I may be choosing:

H1 GP (General Paper)
H1 CL (Chinese Lang.)
H1 PW (project work)

H2 Physics
H2 Chemistry
H2 Mathematics
H1 Economics

Haha :D. However, maybe CL I wish to change it to CL B... Cause I totally suck in CL haha. However, I really wish I do well for Physics! Cause I am thinking to take H3 Physics! Woo! I love Physics totally... haha :D See how it goes! ACJC's cut off for Science Stream is 6 points. So, from my prelims, it is just nice. :D However, Hope I do better for O Levels! I wanna go into the school! :D Wish me luck! Haha. Once I get my results and see I have between 6 to 8 points... I think I'll faint :D haha. If I dun get 6 to 8... I dunno what would happen... saddening, obviously haha :D Hope Hope Hope :D. Oh well! I'm gonna work real hard no matter what!!! AHHH! I'm in love with going to ACJC now :D So now I'm studying Chemistry! Weird Eh? Haha :D Oh well! See ya tomorrow! Bye People haha :D

Jotted by Max at 21:36

Tuesday 7 October 2008

It's over!

Yea I dun have a brother anymore... Sad? Yea I am but so? Cause I've done so much as a brother to love and look after. To be with him and neglect my friends. I'd realise I was stupid to do so. Having to see my brother with some other guy make me feel like an idiot lousy brother. However, it seems to be restricting him. Well his friends scolded me on that part. So did he. Yea that's my fault. Restricting is stupid I know. But that's how I feel right? But well, instead of solving things like what brothers should. He wanted to make me a different kind of brother. A brother that was not close to one another. I rejected. Why? Not having to be brothers and having to be some other brother? What use is there.

There is so much I regret doing now. Too much to say indeed. I regret being his brother in the first place. I regret following him to school. I regret following him home. I regret fetching him back home, fetching him to school. I regret having to do errands for him. I regret caring for him when he had asthma. I regret sharing drinks and food with him. I regret bringing him to the Padang to enjoy national day together. I regret helping him skip fall-in due to his asthma attack. I regret caring for him. I regret loving him too much. I regret doing so much. I regret leaving my friends just to be with him. I regret giving my friends the feeling that I leave them too much. I regret having to be devoted to a Sec1 kid. I regret having to motivate him to study. I regret calling him every night, I regret asking how he feels when he breathes so hard. I regret allowing him to come my house. I regret having to give him my sticks, which were a present given to me for my birthday. Iregret having to wake him up at 5am in the morning during school days. I regret making myself feel so worried that I'll be late for school when he comes late.I regret all that. I regret everything I did as a brother towards him.

Now its over, I think I am able to concentrate on my Os better :D. One less thing makes me happier doesn't it! :D Though I am happier now, heh... he isn't...

Jotted by Max at 19:17

Study... study... study...

Today I didn't follow Dominic to school either. Didn't want to. Besides, my whole arm hurt a lot... Felt as though it is dislocated... Anyway, slept on, till 1100 hours and woke up. Met Tasya, Zoe, Yong Liang, Shawn and Faisal at Macdonalds (In order of who came earlier. However, all of them was late... Except me! Hahaha :D). I was suppose to teach Zoe Chemistry, but it seemed like I was learning and doing mathematics instead... Haha :D. Well, helped a little I guess... Teached her A Mathematics and tried my best to revise a little more on Chemistry... Dominic didn't message me the whole time, so I didn't know how my little brother was doing... Probably hanging around with Gabriel and gang... Who cares. Anyway, continued to study in the awfully cold condition! Everyone was freezing and everyone needed food to increase metabolism rate :D, to have more exothermic reactions within the body! Yea! Haha. Zoe had a big appetite amongst us, but oh well, I couldn't bother much as I was solving the question on cosec1/2x ... Couldn't solve it till I remembered to use square root of the whatever... You won't understand :D . So yea. We did a little Physics too. I figured that I have problems teaching people now! Which means I need to work even harder to get the facts back into my brain again! Haha :D. I must do well! Wish me luck!

When I walked home, I was worried for my lil ' brother. However, nonetheless I didn't message him... So yea, now I'm at home, having to deal with difficult situations that is harassesing my mind and my efforts to work hard, It's irritating. I can't take it anymore. This sucks. Having to have a brother to look after. When someone has your brother as well. What's this? Trying to compare? I dunno, I can't be bothered. It's too much. Forget it. You won't understand what I am talking about. These obstacles are getting irritating.

Jotted by Max at 17:05

Monday 6 October 2008

Just in time clinical session!

Today is a monday! So there was 'Just in Time Clinical Session' for graduating batches! I went for the english consultation from 1000 to 1230 hours, I have to agree that it was very useful! However, the time was short... If only the time and duration was a little longer... it could benefit more! It's like my ears were open wide to grab every details to try and answer situtional writing questions. I hope it would help in my O levels that are coming! A1 for english! I must strive for that! Besides, to head into ACJC's Science Stream, my total amount of points with bonus has to be 6 and below! Why am I the bottom batches... Oh well! I'll still take the challenge! Man, it's so exciting! Haha :D

Another worry is Mathematics and A Mathematics... They are easily A1 in school standards... But for national Examinations, to SECURE an A1, for both Mathematics, at least a 92%... Where am I to get that score... As my aunt who teaches in ACJC said, just practise! I'll do that!

To add to that, SPA (Science Practical Assessment) has already confirmed their marks... I'm afraid my practical would not make it for an A1! If it is true, where am I suppose to get my A1s from? Science nd Mathematics are my forte! If my fortes are gone, where am I suppose to get another trump card? Regardless, I'm gonna try my best! 4 points is my target with CCA as a confirmed A1. Hope my dreams come true! Effectively 2 weeks left from Os. Come on! We can do this together!

Today, ate with Jia Jie, Hong Hui, Ching Kiat, Jian Ming, Qi Jie and Glenn in Macdonalds after the clinical session. I joined them to wait for Dominic, whose Science Consultation ends at 1410 hours. We ate the new Wasabi Fillet O Fish... Seriously it is mediocre... I don't really enjoy it, but neither do I hate it :D. However, I ain't eating it again... So yea! Tomorrow, supposedly I'm heading for Chemistry with the gang again, to be with them :D, or maybe not :D.

After so, met with Dominic, Edwin, Jane, Gary and their one more friend, whom I don't really know and we went to Gombak Mac to study! Well, over there I tried planning a situational writing but it didn't finish... I helped Edwin with a little Mathematics and most of the time was actually wasted... How disappointing... We had nothing much to do till 1800 hours... Then we went home :D. So here I am now, posting my blog... :D. Haha oh well! Guess this week is still kinda slackish! Must get that inspiration tomorrow! Don't have too much problems LEON! Haha :D. See ya people!

Jotted by Max at 19:50

Sunday 5 October 2008

~A Day Out~

Well today was a happy day for me :D . As usually woke up in the morning and got messaged by my brother. He didn't go to service today, so he asked me if I was free to study! Besides, I got nothing to do at home... supposedly suppose to head out with Zi Chuan and Amirah to study but my parents had something and needed me so I cancelled it... However, they told me that they no longer need me in the morning... So yea... What a waste... Anyway, at 1245, I left home heading to Yew Tee, to meet Dominic and Edwin (O'Yuanyuan and O'Dada) Sadly Jocelyn and Chloe couldn't make it... When I got there though... they weren't ready haha. Just when I reached Yew Tee station, Dominic messaged us that he wanted to meet at 130 instead... So I went down his house to wait for him, as usual :D. Afterwhich, once he was done, we headed to Yew Tee Macdonalds for our study session!

At the bridge linking the station to the HDBs, we ran into Edwin! (BANG! haha joking :D) And then we went to study~ It wasn't so packed when we got there, so it was quite conducive, I guess haha. I completed one paper of Biology, Read through Chapter 1 of Chemistry VERY PROPERLY! Haha... Sadly I was not able to do any english papers... Guess I'll do them tomorrow since I am going to school for the JUST IN TIME CLINIC for english, to learn specific skills to tackle questions! Yea! Haha. Dii Dii was doing his Art, on Ease. A tough topic in my opinion :D but I guess he would do well. Edwin was focusing on Mathematics. After eating and studying till 4, we headed to Dii Dii's house for neopets haha.

At his house, we had neopets to play. Edwin showed some cool stuff! And whoa... I was surprised that you could actually earn so much per day! I felt stupid haha, having to play boring games to earn cash the hard way -.-... haha :D. Anyway, after while, we headed down to play badminton :D.

Badminton was soooo fun! Maybe... but yea. At least I could enjoy with both my brother and Edwin. :D . We played with the wind in our faces haha. The shuttlecork flew to the grasses a lot andwe had to pick the poor shuttlecork... Soon, it got stuck on a tree -.-... We used rocks, big and small to try to get it down... But to no avail... Dominic decided to go get a volleyball instead from his friend, so he left, while Edwin and I continued trying to get the shuttlecork. In the end, Edwin threw the shuttlecork tube and it got stuck in the grasses, deep within... While looking for it though, I found another shuttlecork! WHOA! And we used it haha. :D . At that moment, Dii Dii came back with the volleyball! And then we switched to play volleyball! YAY! I learned how to play, but it does hurts when it hits your forearm... However, it's a game! Just play! Haha :D . At least I know how to play it a little now~

After the badminton court was empty, we switched there. Cause it was packed at first... We continued with badminton. :D I was with Edwin while Dii Dii was alone. Well this was where conflict started again... but oh well. Dii Dii had to run to get the shuttlecork, making him irritated and angry... At the same time, when the shuttlecork did not pass the imaginary net, I said "NET!" He was more agitated... However, he seemed to be saying "NET" too. So I thought we were playing... so I continued saying "Net". Even Edwin said it too :D . it was happy... till we figured that Dominic wasn't... Guess it was too late. The whole time afterwards was silent... I know he was angry... it was a game though... I didn't know what to say to him... Edwin had to leave afterwards... so I played with Dii Dii a silent game. Probably he could not take it and said he wanted to go home. So knowing that he was sad and angry, I left him alone... giving him time to cool... Not turning back... I was worried... But what could I do? Left for home alone, feeling down... and I sent him a message saying that it was a game, and one shouldn't be angry over it... till I reached home... Well, what a day actually... Fun, and sad at the same time :D. Overall though, it was an exciting day... I suppose...

Jotted by Max at 20:32

Saturday 4 October 2008

A day at home...

Well today is boring... indeed... Woke up at 2.30pm after a nice sleep and talk with my brother! Haha. :D Thereafter, i went to play neopets on the net. Up till now, I am still playing it haha! What could I do besides not studying today? Nothing... Dominic has service today and only now he is heading back home! He sure is busy during the weekends. Nonetheless, it's his life. I shouldn't poke in too much! Haha! :D Today, actually Hwee Ling, Zi Chuan, Amirah and I should be heading out to study again! However, didn't know why it didn't happen... Tomorrow it would be a boring day as well... Haha, but have to find stuff to do! Probably playing neopets again...

Monday is going to be somewhat studying day. I should be heading off to english in school till 1230, to learn skills and techniques in tackling paper 1! Haha hope it helps! I wanna get an A1! what do you expect? Haha. Hope so though :) . After which, heading off with Edwin, Dominic and maybe Jocelyn and Chloe to study! Mugging begins on monday! Haha :D. Hope that helps too!

Now my blog seems very revamped. I love the skin and I love the profile part, why? Cause its in colours of the rainbow~ Haha :D . I enjoy the songs I place on the blog, so as the little hamtaro! Cute eh? I love it haha! See how it jumps and give out stars and... alright whatever haha :D. Overall, its magnificent in my opinion. And the cursor! Oh yea, forget about it XD. Haha.

Talked to Edwin today too, texted him and now, on msn with him :D. We realised we were quite similar, in terms of having someone close with you! :D I sure wish him luck in his endeavours. Hope mine goes well too haha :D

O's haha! I am so excited to start Os! I wonder when I can say that! I'm gonna to put in my effort! Hahs! :D 6 points luh! Come to me points! come come come XD haha! Well, see how it goes! One step at a time in everything you do Leon! Everyone also! One step at a time XD haha! Now I shall head to eat my food! My mum is calling me! Haha XD see ya all!

Jotted by Max at 18:19

Friday 3 October 2008

The End of My Secondary School Life

Heya dudes and dudettes! It's been long since I've posted. I have taken time to revamp my blog and change stuff! Life has ended for me as a Secondary School Student! Officially, today is the last day for every single graduating class. Times are changing, and everything seems to move fast, just like the speed of light! (The fastest known speed in the universe) Very soon I'll be in a coffin seeing the past flash past... Alright, that's a little too far. Hahas

O Levels are 17 days away. And I'm starting off with Chemistry P.2! Interesting... alright... I know myself though, I'm not ready! I've been slacking... obviously... After Preliminaries, everything seemed OVER! I treat things as over and stop doing loads of things! This is bad... but ah well! I'm gonna pick myself up again, regardless. It's my last job to do in my Secondary School! GET 6 Points! Haha, that's my aim. I could've already reached it in my preliminaries, but unexpected things could occur...

Recently today, my brother Dominic came to my house. We watched a show together and it was a little saddening, but nonetheless, I didn't cry! Haha! Yea... Played neopets haha. It's a shared account with him too. Those who feel like adding us could add us! The user is wingsapart, and it's still new! Haha. It's such a long time game though. But to revive old memories I guess, I played it with him. Life became more challenging for me with this new addition of a brother. Why? Cause responsibility has to be placed to the test. Many other things as well. Though there are little disappointing times and times when we could not come to a consensus, he still is a great brother to me. I treasure him a lot.

Ah well, I wonder what I should do now, since life is getting tougher... my goals seem to be flying away! AHHHH! Haha. But it's alright. I am sure to come to my senses soon, I hope. It's not far off now, just a stone's throw away. Afraid for A Mathematics and E Mathematics, in that they aren't able to sustain an A1! Now, I've realised my Sciences still consisted of 3 SPA Assessment! What if I fail those? Things are swirling in my mind now. Dam. And Biology is disappointing! B4! I dropped 3 grades and that's bad... For what reason? Increasing my Humanities by 2 grades up... Haha. However, I am thinking of increasing all together! Leaving none down! ENGLISH! I was soooo sad and heartbroken! My English preliminary results was 69! 69! 1 more mark to an A2! And I would have gotten 7 points for my prelims! Ahhh! English is sooo unpredictable... That's the only disadvantage I have. It is either I do well, or I flung it completely...

I guess that's all there is for now... Till next time people! See ya

Jotted by Max at 22:17

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