Tuesday 20 November 2007

After a long......

Hiya people. After sooooo long i'm here again.... so bored... it's the holidays basically. Right now that is. I am in the midst of being jeopardised by homework. Just started on A-Maths, but not anywhere completion. Well, I basically slacked for like 2 weeks in a row, consecutively till I finally woke up from playing games. I have decided to start on my homework! How cool is that? Ya whatever....

After my fellow friends came back from the S.L. camp, they became something new. Each one of them were fiercer and became fairly bulked up. As they say, it was tiring yet fun at the last camp, this time, they said it was...... How sick is that! Anyway, Band today was Totally magnificent! During Fall-in we have Clement and Tasya to compound the band together so that they were nice and together. As they say, all for one and one for all!

Let us see the cool equation of both of them shall we?
Clement: NCO camp came back JUST
Tasya: S.L. camp came back JUST
Clement + Tasya = Band falls into their hands and can be easily squished like jelly!
But overall it was cool. I liked it. GOOD JOB you two!

ANYWAY, we got a K.L. trip soon, so I'll be off. ANd hope it'll be cool. Any uneasy stuff I will promise to place it here. Besides, this post actually helps to clean this blog up. Neat!

ALRIGHT! That's about that! Even though it is not much, I managed to say something even though it is not that great. Well Adios Amigos!( Is it correct?) Ah well, bye.

Jotted by Max at 14:01

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